Comprehensive integrated behavioral health services for infants through older adults.

Behavioral Urgent Care for Adults in Crisis
Criteria for Adult Admission:
To be admitted, individuals must meet specific criteria. First any medical conditions or injuries that can be managed within the facility’s capabilities will be, ensuring that the necessary care can be provided safely.
The expectation is that the presenting issue can be addressed and resolved within a five-hour window. It’s also important that the individual is seeking treatment voluntarily.
24- hours per day access
Scope of care:
Health Status Assessment: medical, mental health, substance use
Medication Management
Individual and Family/Support Person Counseling
Care Coordination
Transportation assistance available.
Urgent Care
Who is this service intended for:
Adults in need of a brief immediate treatment intervention to prevent emerging sub-acute behavioral health symptoms from progressing to the level of a crisis and the potential for a more intensive level of care.

Adults 18 Years and Older
Service Locations
Ενημέρωση της κοινότητας για επείγ οντα ψυχιατρικά περιστατικά
33505 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI 48150
Χωρίς χρέωση (844) 296-2673
Τηλέφωνο (734) 721-0200
24 Ώρες | 365 Ημέρες