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Sèvis sante konpòtmantal entegre konplè pou tibebe jiska granmoun aje.

Sèvis Tribinal
Sobriety Court
Sobriety Court is a collaborative effort with the 18th District Court to provide an intensive, comprehensive supervision program to individuals with multiple drinking and driving convictions and a desire to change. The program provides supervision and guidance that helps participants to establish and maintain a sober lifestyle. HHI's Court staff consists of master's level clinicians who are experienced in assessment, education, legal proceedings and referral.
Participation in Sobriety Court is voluntary.
Rezidan nan Konte Wayne
Plizyè Bwè ak Kondwi Ofans
Fè yon dyagnostik depandans alkòl
Pa gen kondanasyon anvan krim vyolan
Pa gen estati pwobasyon aktyèl la
Dezi ak motivasyon pou yon lavi modere
Rekòmandasyon yo aksepte nan men tribinal, avoka, anplwayè, ak moun.
Asirans ak Peman
Sèvis Pwogram Tribinal HHI a pa ranbouse pa asirans medikal. Tout frè ak metòd peman yo diskite ak kliyan anvan patisipasyon nan pwogram nan. Pifò gwo kat kredi yo aksepte.
Pare pou w kòmanse?
Pwogram nan ka fini nan 15 mwa, men li ka dire jiska 24 mwa. Pou plis enfòmasyon sou Sobriety Court, tanpri kontakte Hegira Adult Outpatient Services nan (734) 742-0605.
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